Monday, January 17, 2011

hCG experiment - day 7/8

Weight 1/16/11: 299.8 (+0.8 lbs)
Weight 1/17/11: 297.2 (-2.6 lbs)

Starting Weight: 306.0
Current Weight: 297.2
Total Weight Loss: 8.8 lbs

Has been a hard week for me. The diet is not the problem, it's just the rest of the things falling apart around me that make it hard. Makes it hard to want to go through the effort of sticking to a diet that is SO restrictive. 

Am always full but really not satisfied. I want cheese. I want sugar-free creamer for my coffee. I want a piece of bread. Hell, I just want to be able to not worry if I make chicken soup for lunch if putting celery and onions in it for flavor and then straining them out is breaking my diet... 

Was up 0.8 lbs yesterday morning - attribute this to it taking a full 24 hours to see full results from my night out with friends. While I lost 1.2 lbs and then gained back 0.8, an overall loss of 0.4 was achieved, so am not too disappointed. 

Still holding the diet at arm's length. It's been about a week (or just under, depending on whether my loading days count), and I've lost a total of almost 9 lbs, which is great. Still sort of expecting it to end up being a fluke (or expecting my body to stop doing so well, anyway). 

Have felt great overall - no crazy side effects or anything like that. I'm just a bit hungry and a bit frustrated with the food allotted me, but I'll cope. I figure, if the weight slows down to an average of a pound per day, at the end of a month I will have lost 30 pounds, just under 1/3 of my ideal goal - this is worth doing this crazy diet until then. Am starting to think that I will do 3-week to 1-month increments rather than the 6-week to 60-day increments you're allowed to extend it to - will see how I feel in a few weeks. May be so happy with the weight loss that I stay on it...

Time for bed now, have to work in the morning...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

hCG experiment - day 5/6

Didn't post last night, so will do an overview of the past two days... 

Weight 1/14/11: 300.2 (-3.4 lbs)
Weight 1/15/11: 299.0 (-1.2 lbs)

We went out with some friends last night. While it is not a part of the diet, I did plan on drinking and, as such cut back on what little I ate throughout the day. My weight loss for the day ended up drastically stunted, but I still lost weight so I was thrilled and it was worth the bit of loss to go have such fun with our friends.

Am getting used to the diet and learning how to make myself happier with the food I have. Hardest is becoming the ONE vegetable per meal. I can't, for instance, have tomatoes and onions so I can't have salsa. This is very frustrating on a lot of levels. 

Spent a while today researching hCG diet meal recipes. There is a lot more one can make within the meal restrictions than you would think, so I will be trying some of those recipes and posting them here if I find a great one. 

My two days off was a nice break from how crazy life has been lately, but it was also the hardest few days for my diet. It has been brutal to smell corn dogs or pizza or french toast when it's time for the kids to eat. I do realize that they are not on a diet and shouldn't suffer, but it doesn't make it easier. 

Went to a local store today and found some really fun things that are already making a difference in my point of view, though. One is called Liquid Aminos. Suggested by one of the sites with all the recipes, it's some kind of amino acid compilation derived from soybeans and is touted as a healthier alternative to soy sauce. It's amazing. Had boiled cabbage for dinner with that and some Veg-Aid seasoning on it and it was really good. The Veg-Aid was another thing I bought that seems to have been money well-spent. I also purchased Vanilla Creme liquid Stevia drops that I'm hoping will let me make diet chai and/or coffee. I always used Splenda and nonfat milk in my chai so it was relatively low-cal before, but since I can't have the milk I'm hoping the drops will be a good alternative. Also FINALLY found the grissini (breadsticks). MUCH better than the Melba toast I have taken to calling the "damn crouton" (LOL!!). 

I go back to work tomorrow for a day, then Monday is my dentist appointment, so I expect that Tuesday morning my weight loss will be off. I am terrified of the dentist enough that I have to take anti-anxiety medication to cope with the visit, so will probably not be taking the drops/eating properly. 

Overall, I'm thrilled to be back under 300, and glad that my step out of the diet didn't derail me too far. Realistically, I expect to switch to around a pound per day anyway here sometime soon, so a pound is a really reasonable amount of weight to lose.

I'm finally starting to be a believer. It's a miserable way to eat and live my life right now, but I've 7 pounds if you start from the morning of my first loading day, 7.6 if you calculate it Dr. Simeon's way - on the morning of the beginning of the VLCD. I am thinking that I will probably do a series of 3-week increments rather than the 6-8 week ones, but I'm excited to be smaller before my wedding in August.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

hCG experiment - day 4

Today was interesting. 

I lost quite a bit of weight (3 lbs, to be exact) so I'm feeling rather chipper, and I sort of knew what to expect food-wise, etc. Am finding myself holding back on hope, though, as I don't want to get all excited and have my body tell me in a week it can't handle this diet. 

So far, I feel fine, other than being slightly hungry, and even that is getting better. Had my melba crouton (whoever decided that thing was toast is on CRACK, lol) for a snack in the morning again, and ate an identical lunch today, except I wasn't hungry enough to include my apple (this is very good news), so I kept it for later. Was totally satisfied until I got home, at which time I made a steak and salad dinner with an orange and my toast. I then had my apple as a later-in-the-evening snack the same way as last night. 

This "apple pie" seems to soften the cravings for all the junk. I'm not really a junk eater normally as far as candy and the like, but found myself craving "just one" M&M or Hershey Kiss or something. I find that I miss cheese the most, as I am such a big fan. As frustrating as these "needs" are, I am heartened by it as the cravings get stronger - I like to think it is my body beginning to "detox" off a diet high in calories, refined sugars and fats, and the like. By the end of the day it was easier, and I have the next two days off so it will be interesting to see if it is harder or easier to stay on my diet at home.

Dale has been super supportive, cooking and serving dinner before I ever get off work, so that I'm not tormented by the smell or sight of the normal food the rest of the family eats. This is sweet and very helpful, but I am aware that I will eventually have to face a life in which I eat drastically different from my partner and children.

The nausea seemed to come less often today, which I am hoping means it will soon stop (I want my body to think I'm pregnant but I would prefer to not have morning sickness for no reason), and again I have felt energized throughout the day. 

I have also been sleeping. A lot. From my first full day of drops forward I have slept around 10 hours a night, like a rock, and found it difficult to drag myself out of bed in the morning. I have trouble getting to sleep normally, never sleep this long, and if I am woken up in the morning CERTAINLY do  not roll over and go back to sleep, all of which I have found to be switching. It's not that I'm tired, just that I'm comfortable, sleeping well, and able to drift back in. It is very pleasant overall, and I probably desperately need the sleep after the way Christmas season and it's 80+ hour work weeks went. 

Today's weight: 303.6 (-3.0 lbs - YAY!) Looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. Am hoping to do a video or two this weekend to post on YouTube about my experiences with this.

hCG experiment - day 3

Just realized I forgot to post this yesterday, so here goes....

Today I did my first VLCD (very low calorie diet) day. I was surprised by how much food I could eat even with such severe restrictions, and how full I was overall throughout the day. Am not normally a breakfast eater, so it wasn't too shocking to my system to have nothing in the morning, although I did definitely miss having my coffee drink. Made tea last night so I drank some sweetened with stevia, but it wasn't the same. 

Got hungry around the time I would normally have eaten lunch (my shift at work has changed, so I now eat lunch about an hour later than normal), so I had my piece of Melba toast - which is a RIDICULOUS little bit of bread, LOL! - this actually satisfied the growling, believe it or not. 

Had chicken, cucumber slices with a bit of vinegar (one veggie version of cucumber salad), and an apple for lunch.

No snack in the afternoon, so I moved onto a similar dinner (exchanged the cucumbers for celery and threw my apple in the microwave with cinnamon and allspice on it for "dessert"). Was hungry before bed and in the afternoon, but not unbearably, and had great energy throughout the day.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with my reaction to the diet so far - I anticipated things being much less pleasant. Curious to see what tomorrow will bring on the scale....

Today's weight: 306.6 (+0.2 lbs). Rather happy with the fact that I clearly didn't eat enough to do much of anything weight-wise yesterday, as I was deliberately TRYING to eat high-cal foods but simply couldn't stomach them. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

hCG experiment - day 2

Going to make this a short post (I just spent most of the evening setting up my world for the low-cal portion of the diet so I'm super tired). 

Today's weight: 306.4 (+0.4 lbs) - not surprising as this was "loading day" #2.

Have continued to have mild levels of nausea off and on throughout the day, reminiscent of early weeks of pregnancy (ironic, right?). Otherwise, feel fine. 

Have gotten progressively less hungry throughout the day. Still not a believer, so we'll see how hungry I am tomorrow - am still convinced it's psychological or that it is a result of the amount of food I've been eating (which truthfully isn't that much if I'm honest - had coffee in the morning (I managed to drink half in 4 hrs before I threw it out) and bought a cranberry-orange "muffin top", which I never did eat. I had a salad and a chicken quesadilla for lunch and was stuffed by the time I was done. Then, for dinner, some spaghetti (about half a plate and was STUFFED). Looking back on essentially a meal and a half with no hunger or anything, I'm inclined to say this is a good sign. Felt energized, happy, and "smart" all day long - went and visited my mom for a bit and she asked me if I was "feeling wired" - this was about an hour ago, so this is again a good sign for energy levels. 

Bought all the stuff for the diet that I didn't get a few days ago, then spent about two hours preparing. While I was at mom's, borrowed her digital scale, then came home and portioned out a family pack of boneless, skinless chicken breast and one of lean steak into 100g portions, then bagged them all and stuck part in the freezer and cooked the other bit and put it in the fridge ready to go for meals for the next few days. Also made a gallon of iced tea (which I will sweeten artificially) for caffeine and cut up a bunch of veggies and stuck them in tupperware for an easy grab in the morning.

All seems well so far and am curious to see what happens over the next few days as I transition to the VLCD (very low calorie diet). 

Also got the "Weight Loss Cure" by Kevin Trudeau to read in the interest of a more recent point of view on this diet (since the manuscript "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeons is from the 50s or something).

See you tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

hCG experiment - day 1

Today is day #1 of the hCG diet, my first "loading day."

I started taking my drops last night and took them throughout the day as required. As this is a loading day where I am supposed to load up on as many calories as possible I started out my day with a sausage and egg breakfast sandwich, had a cheeseburger for lunch, and some chip things for a snack. Normally I wouldn't eat so bad in a day but I'm supposed to build lots of expendable fat. By dinner I have to admit I'm not the least bit hungry. The very thought of having greasy BBQ chicken, sweet potato, and green beans is a bit too much for me and Dale is nagging me to "please, just eat something..."

Had a coffee drink with breakfast and some soda with lunch - am trying to cut back a bit on the caffeine to prevent too much in the way of headaches on day 3 as I start the restricted diet. I am allowed as much coffee or tea as I want, provided I do not sweeten it with sugar, so am thinking I will live partially off iced tea with sweet-n-low or something in it. Also drank about a liter and a half of water today (am supposed to drink at least 2 L once I start the diet) and I figure this, added to about 20 oz of soda and my coffee in the morning, comes out to close to my 2 L of water for the day.

Not sure if it's purely psychological, the drops, or just my own reaction to eating so much junk today, but I am frankly just not hungry, and got progressively less hungry throughout the day. 

Have had to pee all flippin' day long (then again, that's bound to happen when you suddenly jump to drinking so much water). Interestingly enough, I feel somewhat dehydrated (thirsty). I think this is due to the drop-taking process - you put the drops under your tongue and keep them there for 2 minutes, then can't eat or drink for a minimum of 20 to allow them to properly absorb. This process makes me thirsty every time, although not uncomfortably so. The drops also make my tongue tingle and taste sort of like medicine (both of which make sense since the drops have ethanol as a preservative).

Otherwise, nothing abnormal other than some slight nausea throughout the day. Felt energized and happy, and was as efficient as usual at work. 

Weight: thought it might be interesting to take a "starting weight" today, so hopped on the scale. It WAS after eating my sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich and drinking a Seattle's Best Iced Latte so it may be a bit off, but not by much. Weight today was exactly 306 lbs.

So far, am relatively unaffected by the drops apart from having to stop my day for two minutes, six times per day. Have figured out a schedule that will work well for the work week - will take drops when I wake up, on my first break, lunch, and second break, then again on my way home before dinner, with the final dose just before bed. This spreads them out relatively evenly. Have felt tiny bit of nausea similar to mild morning sickness (how ironic, LOL). Have gotten progressively less hungry and had to convince myself to eat more than actually being hungry as day went on. Am curious how tomorrow will go - if this will continue or it's just a fluke. If this is as bad as it gets and I actually lose weight I will be over the moon....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My hCG Experiment

Let me first preface this series of blogs by saying that I am in no way endorsing any product. I bought this product with my own money, I am not being in any way compensated. I am simply telling my story. 

So, with that out of the way, here goes: I decided to try this hCG diet that everyone has been raving about. I know a number of people, both directly and indirectly, that have lost quite a bit of weight on this diet. After many hours of research I have decided to take the plunge into my first "fad diet." I will be making these blog posts (hopefully) on a daily basis with updates to keep you all apprised of my progress.

So, for those who don't know, the diet is rather simple: you start with two "load days" during which you eat as much as you want, with an overall high-ish level of fat to ensure adequate levels of "required fat". During these two days you take your hCG (drops or injections) and then, on the 3rd day, you start the diet portion of it. This is a severely restricted diet of 500 calories per day and very strict rules on what you are and are not allowed to eat (if you want more details go look up "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeons - the founder of this diet). You then follow the diet for 23-40 days depending on how much you need to lose, then go on a sort of maintenance diet for 3 weeks that eases you back into normal eating. Supposedly you can do as many cycles as you need to get to your goal weight, with a resting period of 6 weeks (your 3 weeks maintenance diet then 3 weeks of normal eating) between cycles 1 and 2, 8 weeks between 2 and 3, and so on. The "hook" is that you're supposed to be able to lose around a pound every day, on average. 

So, the first weigh-in is supposed to be the morning of day 3, as one transitions into the diet portion, which will be the first weight I post as it seems the most logical place to start.

Tonight I went and bought the drops and a good chunk of the special food I will need. Also, to kick start my progress I will take some drops tonight. The brand I bought requires 6 drops under the tongue 6 times per day, so my plan is to take one set when I wake up, one before bed, and the rest spread out throughout my day. So, I took 6 drops before I ate, then will take 6 more before bed.

Wish me luck!

See you all tomorrow...