Let me first preface this series of blogs by saying that I am in no way endorsing any product. I bought this product with my own money, I am not being in any way compensated. I am simply telling my story.
So, with that out of the way, here goes: I decided to try this hCG diet that everyone has been raving about. I know a number of people, both directly and indirectly, that have lost quite a bit of weight on this diet. After many hours of research I have decided to take the plunge into my first "fad diet." I will be making these blog posts (hopefully) on a daily basis with updates to keep you all apprised of my progress.
So, for those who don't know, the diet is rather simple: you start with two "load days" during which you eat as much as you want, with an overall high-ish level of fat to ensure adequate levels of "required fat". During these two days you take your hCG (drops or injections) and then, on the 3rd day, you start the diet portion of it. This is a severely restricted diet of 500 calories per day and very strict rules on what you are and are not allowed to eat (if you want more details go look up "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeons - the founder of this diet). You then follow the diet for 23-40 days depending on how much you need to lose, then go on a sort of maintenance diet for 3 weeks that eases you back into normal eating. Supposedly you can do as many cycles as you need to get to your goal weight, with a resting period of 6 weeks (your 3 weeks maintenance diet then 3 weeks of normal eating) between cycles 1 and 2, 8 weeks between 2 and 3, and so on. The "hook" is that you're supposed to be able to lose around a pound every day, on average.
So, the first weigh-in is supposed to be the morning of day 3, as one transitions into the diet portion, which will be the first weight I post as it seems the most logical place to start.
Tonight I went and bought the drops and a good chunk of the special food I will need. Also, to kick start my progress I will take some drops tonight. The brand I bought requires 6 drops under the tongue 6 times per day, so my plan is to take one set when I wake up, one before bed, and the rest spread out throughout my day. So, I took 6 drops before I ate, then will take 6 more before bed.
Wish me luck!
See you all tomorrow...
Turmeric Curcumin
Vitamin D3
Biotin Supplement