Thursday, January 13, 2011

hCG experiment - day 4

Today was interesting. 

I lost quite a bit of weight (3 lbs, to be exact) so I'm feeling rather chipper, and I sort of knew what to expect food-wise, etc. Am finding myself holding back on hope, though, as I don't want to get all excited and have my body tell me in a week it can't handle this diet. 

So far, I feel fine, other than being slightly hungry, and even that is getting better. Had my melba crouton (whoever decided that thing was toast is on CRACK, lol) for a snack in the morning again, and ate an identical lunch today, except I wasn't hungry enough to include my apple (this is very good news), so I kept it for later. Was totally satisfied until I got home, at which time I made a steak and salad dinner with an orange and my toast. I then had my apple as a later-in-the-evening snack the same way as last night. 

This "apple pie" seems to soften the cravings for all the junk. I'm not really a junk eater normally as far as candy and the like, but found myself craving "just one" M&M or Hershey Kiss or something. I find that I miss cheese the most, as I am such a big fan. As frustrating as these "needs" are, I am heartened by it as the cravings get stronger - I like to think it is my body beginning to "detox" off a diet high in calories, refined sugars and fats, and the like. By the end of the day it was easier, and I have the next two days off so it will be interesting to see if it is harder or easier to stay on my diet at home.

Dale has been super supportive, cooking and serving dinner before I ever get off work, so that I'm not tormented by the smell or sight of the normal food the rest of the family eats. This is sweet and very helpful, but I am aware that I will eventually have to face a life in which I eat drastically different from my partner and children.

The nausea seemed to come less often today, which I am hoping means it will soon stop (I want my body to think I'm pregnant but I would prefer to not have morning sickness for no reason), and again I have felt energized throughout the day. 

I have also been sleeping. A lot. From my first full day of drops forward I have slept around 10 hours a night, like a rock, and found it difficult to drag myself out of bed in the morning. I have trouble getting to sleep normally, never sleep this long, and if I am woken up in the morning CERTAINLY do  not roll over and go back to sleep, all of which I have found to be switching. It's not that I'm tired, just that I'm comfortable, sleeping well, and able to drift back in. It is very pleasant overall, and I probably desperately need the sleep after the way Christmas season and it's 80+ hour work weeks went. 

Today's weight: 303.6 (-3.0 lbs - YAY!) Looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. Am hoping to do a video or two this weekend to post on YouTube about my experiences with this.

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